Celebrate Recovery

Hurts, Habits and Hang-ups

A 12-step Christ centered ministry that helps people transform their lives.
It is for anyone working on hurts, habits and hang-ups.
Practical strategies for every age and journey in life.
Learn how to maneuver through the obstacles and challenges of life in a supportive and caring environment.

Meets Every Sunday
in the Multi-Purpose Room at 6:00p
Dinner is Served at 5:30p Every Week

Sunday Night’s Schedule
6-6:50p Worship, Lesson, Personal Testimony or Guest Speaker
7-7:45p Open Share Groups (Gender Specific)

Celebration Place 

K-5th Grade 6p in Kids Place
 A 52-week complementary children’s resource to Celebrate Recovery.
While adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness,
 kids discover the same truths in age appropriate ways!
K-5th Grade Check in at MPR.
Nursery Provided

The Landing 

6th thru 12th Grade 6p in Fireside Room
The Landing fosters hope, truth and joy as teenagers embark on an exciting year long journey of engaging videos, meaningful experiences, vibrant worship and great conversation as they develop true friendships with other teens. The goal of The Landing is to break the cycle of dysfunction, giving students the tools to face life’s hurts,
habits and hang-ups in a new and effect way.

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